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Unisys Cloud Success Barometer™ for Travel and Transportation

March 24, 2020 / Unisys Corporation

How the Travel and Transportation Industry can Maximize the Benefits of Cloud Adoption

Cloud technology has become prevalent in every industry, including travel and transportation. Travel agencies, car rental services, airlines and other businesses in the travel and transportation space can significantly benefit from what the cloud has to offer, especially when cloud migration is done properly.

In today’s world, travelers need and want fast, reliable, and secure methods to book planes, trains and automobiles. They need to be able to access services from anywhere in the world on small mobile screens, whether they’re booking a last-minute flight or picking up a rental car. And, of course, they want to know their user data is secure.

Without a successful cloud migration and transformation, your business will likely face negative effects. We know this because in 2019, we conducted our first Unisys Cloud Success Barometer™ survey. We conducted more than 1,045 online interviews with business leaders across 13 countries to get a better picture of how well cloud transformation performed against expectations.

The Cloud Success Barometer rated (on a scale of 0-100) how well cloud transformation performed against expectations in:

  • Revenues
  • Costs
  • Agility
  • Competition
  • Security
  • Productivity

We asked participants questions like:

  • Have you been impacted by a competitor who leverages cloud innovations?
  • How concerned are you about the business risks of not moving to the cloud?
  • What benefits did your organization expect to see by moving your organization’s data, IT applications, and/or processes to the cloud?

On a global scale, we saw a score of 49, which told us that there is room for growth and better cloud integration with existing IT infrastructures. The Cloud Success Barometer results show that every organization can benefit from cloud adoption. We found that companies who integrated the cloud as a core part of their business strategy were more than twice as likely to see great or moderate improvements from their cloud adoption.

In the travel and transportation industry, a successful cloud adoption can lead to significant benefits. For example, if you’re a cargo carrier, moving to the cloud can mean increased flexibility to respond to seasonal changes in demand, as well as access to your data 24/7.

Being able to take care of your clients no matter where you are and at any time, while keeping sensitive information secure, will allow you to be a more effective agent and increase your bottom line.

So, how can you ensure a successful cloud migration?

  • Thoroughly plan before you execute
  • Utilize cloud automation solutions
  • Ensure you have visibility through a cloud management portal
  • Keep security top-of-mind
  • Partner with a trusted technology provider

With Unisys CloudForte® services, you won’t need to worry about your cloud migration process. Unisys has over a decade of experience in architecting, implementing and operating some of the most complex cloud installations in the world, so we will be able to help you get your cloud up and running to ensure it is effective.

Learn more about the results of the Cloud Success Barometer survey and find out how cloud migration with Unisys can help your business.