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TravelSky Gears Up for Growth in China's Air Travel Sector with Additional Unisys ClearPath Technology

China's leading IT provider to air travel and tourism industry expands commitment to Unisys ClearPath Dorado technology to support reservation and distribution business

Beijing, 19 May, 2015 - Unisys Corporation (NYSE:UIS) today announced that TravelSky, the leading provider of information technology solutions to China's air travel and tourism industry, has signed a new contract with Unisys to provide expanded processing power for TravelSky's reservation and distribution systems in China's rapidly growing aviation sector using Unisys' advanced ClearPath Dorado technology.

Under the contract, Unisys will provide and implement a high-end ClearPath Dorado system as well as additional storage, virtual tape library and OS 2200 operating-environment upgrades. The power of the implementation will be further boosted using enhanced automation and Unisys Extended Transaction Capacity (XTC) clustering capability to link up to six ClearPath systems and significantly increase transaction processing capacity and redundancy compared to a single–host system.

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) reports1 that China's domestic passenger market is growing faster than the global average. The association reported that, for February 2015 vs February 2014, Revenue Passenger Kilometres (RPKs) grew 8.4 percent vs 5.3 percent globally, with 11.7 percent growth in Available Seat Kilometres vs 5.3 percent globally and a higher capacity utilisation rate of 82.9 percent compared to 80.4 percent globally.

"As domestic and international air travel continue to grow in popularity in China, increasing the demand on the reservation and distribution applications TravelSky provides China's air travel industry, we rely on the robust, secure and flexible Unisys ClearPath environment to enable us to process more transactions – quickly and securely," said a TravelSky senior executive.

Unisys ClearPath Dorado systems are at the heart of TravelSky's IT infrastructure, with Unisys XTC clustering technology providing unmatched levels of power, availability, manageability and responsiveness to dynamic changes in business requirements. In addition, Unisys' software-based secure partitioning (s-Par®) technology will allow TravelSky to deploy secure environments with predictable performance for mission-critical passenger and cargo solutions by creating dedicated partitions with their own memory, I/O, and storage resources for each workload. 

Mr Olivier Houri, president, global transportation, Unisys, said: "Unisys ClearPath technology continues to provide TravelSky with the high reliability, scalability and security to support the changing demands on the mission-critical reservation and distribution applications in China's growing air travel market."

Unisys has more than 45 years of experience providing advanced, mission-critical IT solutions to the aviation industry. Fifteen of the top 25 airlines – and more than 200 worldwide – rely on Unisys solutions.

1 - International Air Transport Association (IATA) global passenger traffic results for February 2015 -

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Claire Hosegood, Unisys Asia Pacific, +61 411 253 663