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Cloud Infrastructure

How does cloud infrastructure work?

There are three main forms of cloud deployment models – public, private, and hybrid. A public cloud is a cloud deployment model where IT services are delivered through the internet instead of on-premise. This model is the most prevalent, and offers the most choice in terms of computing resources and solutions to meet the growing needs of businesses of all sizes. There are three Service models: Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS). Public cloud resources range from virtual machines to applications and development platforms. These resources offer security, universally available applications, and infrastructure.

In a private cloud model the cloud is used solely by a business or an organization. In a private cloud model, services are not shared. Private cloud, like public cloud, utilize hardware and software computing to host within a datacenter. When a user connects to the datacenter it enables them to enhance scalability and agility.

A hybrid cloud model uses both public and private cloud services. The hybrid cloud orchestrates and monitors multiple cloud services, or a blend of on-premise and cloud environments, through one central control application. A hybrid cloud migrates cloud platforms in different environments while monitoring ongoing performance. Many organizations will utilize both a public and private cloud infrastructure. For example, a company may choose a private cloud infrastructure for stronger security, whereas a public cloud model would be used for global scalability benefits.

What's included in cloud infrastructure as a service?

Cloud infrastructure comprises virtual machines and components, including virtual servers; virtual PCs; virtual network switches, hubs, and routers; virtual memory; and virtual storage clusters.

What are the benefits of cloud infrastructure?

The key benefits of using Cloud infrastructure include cost-effectiveness, fast on-demand services, security, enhanced productivity, scalability, and reliability.

  • Cost-effectiveness – One of the best benefits of cloud computing is lowering operating costs, as the "pay-as-you-go" model eliminates unnecessary expenses. In addition, there is no need to purchase hardware and software, nor maintain data centers and pay for the human resources needed to maintain a physical data center.
  • Fast on-demand services – Cloud computing enables companies to access technologies and resources in minutes. It provides organizations with the flexibility to do more. You can get cloud computing services as you need them in just a few clicks.
  • SecurityNetwork security falls into two main categories, on-premises and cloud-based. Here are some advantages to cloud-based security:
    • Protection against Distributed Denial of Services (DDoS) attacks
    • Data security
    • Regulatory compliance
    • Flexibility
    • High availability and support
  • Enhances productivity – Cloud computing eliminates the need to maintain hardware and software as cloud provider takes care of these tasks for you.
  • Scalability – The ability to scale is a significant benefit. Cloud infrastructure enables global scalability wherever and whenever it is needed. In addition, you only use the resources required, thus allowing the businesses to scale up or down to meet their needs.
  • Reliability – Physical and on-premises datacenters require equipment duplication in their disaster recovery plans. Cloud computing is highly distributed and offers many capabilities to cost effectively plan for disasters and allow businesses to continue with zero downtime.

Learn more about how Unisys approaches Cloud Infrastructure.

Cloud solutions for the world’s most demanding organizations

Unisys cloud solutions adhere to the highest security and compliance standards to mitigate risk at each stage of the cloud adoption lifecycle. We design, deploy, and manage flexible and customized cloud solutions that effectively address our clients’ current needs while establishing a foundation to support long-term growth and change.

Cloud and Infrastructure