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Take charge of your multi-cloud security and compliance

Multi-cloud is secure — but most deployments are not

You hear a lot about cloud security lapses and high-profile breaches in the news. Industry reports and analysts exhaustively cover sensational cases publicly. But if you dig deeper into the details of these breaches, you’d discover that many of these vulnerabilities could have been avoided if the cloud environment was configured according to cloud security and compliance best practices. Cloud is secure. However, most cloud deployments do not comply with defined security guidelines. Here is an uncomfortable cloud security projection.

Analysis finds that most cloud customers are not intentionally lax in their approach to security and compliance, but instead, do not have the tools, knowledge, and processes to implement cloud security and compliance effectively. In the on-premises world, systems do not change as frequently, and the manual process of security assessments work. In the cloud, with the dynamic nature of these environments, it is impossible to control security manually. Cloud needs continuous re-examination and remediation, especially in fast-paced DevOps environments.

Cloud adopters may not be fully cognizant of all current and constantly evolving cloud security best practices. Two main factors that hamper best practice cloud security adoption are a lack of cloud platform-specific knowledge among staff involved in cloud configurations and the lack of governed automation for infrastructure deployments. Cloud security is different from on premises security models, therefore cloud-appropriate security and compliance must be established prior to cloud migration and governed continuously.

Security is also closely entwined with how cloud infrastructure is defined and used. Every component of cloud has distinct security requirements — compute, VM, storage, network, and containers. And each infrastructure component has its own unique security requirements.