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Did the pandemic change public sector for the better? (Ep. 17)

September 15, 2020 / Weston Morris

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Episode 17

Will public sector soon become an attractive place for millenials to work? What did the public sector IT do really well during the pandemic? What will change forever in public sector as a result of the pandemic? What challenges does public sector face with 30% of their employees being eligible to retire? To answer these questions, Shawn Kingsberry draws on his experience in providing IT services for several state governments and his time as CIO of the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board for the US Federal Government. I think that you’ll find his insights both interesting and useful. Together, Shawn and I look at what makes the public sector different from commercial enterprises, how many state governments made rapid changes during the pandemic, and what changes are yet to come in public sector as a reaction to the pandemic.

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