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5 Min Read

Multi-cloud strategies: Navigating the evolving cloud landscape

Februar 1, 2024 / Unisys Corporation

Short on time? Read the key takeaways:

  • Organizations are embracing multi-cloud strategies to meet the demand for agility, security and efficiency. 
  • Multi-cloud approaches empower businesses to customize their cloud architectures by utilizing diverse service providers, enhancing performance and adaptability. 
  • Multi-cloud management systems offer a comprehensive toolkit for data migration, security monitoring and cost management, driving optimization. 
  • Partnering with vendor-agnostic managed service providers like Unisys ensures a future-proof cloud strategy, enabling alignment with preferred environments while enhancing security and scalability. 

The demand for agile, secure and versatile computing platforms has never been more pronounced.  

Government entities, financial institutions and businesses alike seek computing solutions that can keep up with the pace of technological advancement. Organizations increasingly look to a multi-cloud infrastructure for the answer. Like the indispensable Swiss Army knife, a versatile tool capable of addressing many needs with various implements, a multi-cloud strategy can transform how organizations meet this need for adaptability and robustness. 

Exploring the multi-cloud paradigm 

The trend is shifting away from relying solely on a single provider for cloud computing. Instead, organizations embrace multi-cloud strategies, utilizing multiple cloud service providers to host various business applications. This approach offers the flexibility to choose platforms tailored to specific tasks, guaranteeing top-notch performance, flexibility and readiness for the future. 

Many cloud service providers like Google, Microsoft Azure, VMWare and Amazon Web Services (AWS) offer a range of environments, including private cloud architectures, public clouds and hybrid solutions. These setups cater to diverse production and non-production requirements for development, testing and backup. 

The power of a multi-cloud strategy 

The allure of a multi-cloud strategy lies in its ability to empower organizations to select the most suitable cloud environment for their critical applications. While some clouds excel in transactional data processing, others shine in hosting development environments or managing unstructured content. Skillfully executed multi-cloud methodologies ensure regulatory compliance and facilitate centralized design, deployment and management of data across various cloud landscapes. 

Decoding multi-cloud management 

Managing a multi-cloud environment requires finesse, as each cloud vendor boasts monitoring, reporting and cost assessment tools. Some cloud platform vendors have increased the flexibility and interoperability of their cloud platforms to adapt to the increased popularity of multi-cloud operations. Multi-cloud management systems offer IT professionals an enhanced toolkit for tasks for: 

  • Server provisioning 
  • Data migration 
  • Security monitoring 
  • Process automation 
  • Backup and disaster recovery 
  • Multi-cloud orchestration 
  • Continuous development and deployment 
  • Cost monitoring 
  • The benefits of multi-cloud management 

The benefits of multi-cloud management 

Whether you're expanding into a new cloud platform or already juggling several, the advantages of adopting a multi-cloud management system are clear. A single dashboard can drive up savings on cloud costs, optimize licensing and maintenance, and enhance disaster recovery and high availability planning. This is especially pertinent for regulated industries like finance and government, where compliance is paramount. 

Securing your cloud future 

Recognizing that no single cloud platform can address all their diverse needs, organizations are turning to multi-cloud strategies for a future-proof approach. Partnering with vendor-agnostic managed services providers like Unisys paves the way for enhanced security, performance and scalability in the cloud environment. This enables different teams to align with their preferred cloud environments without compromising overall effectiveness. 

As organizations embark on their cloud transformation journeys, service providers can offer a wealth of knowledge in operating and optimizing multi-cloud environments to accelerate cloud transition success. Cloud management solutions simplify deployment, facilitate data migration and seamlessly manage diverse vendor platforms. 

Bridging the cloud transformation gap 

Multi-cloud environments have emerged as vital strategies for organizations seeking agility, security and efficiency in their cloud journey. By harnessing the power of multiple cloud service providers, businesses can tailor their approach to meet diverse needs, all while optimizing performance and ensuring readiness for what lies ahead.  

To learn how Unisys can support your cloud adoption journey, connect with our experts or explore our solutions

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