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Unisys and OVHcloud partner to drive digital transformation and cloud innovation

septiembre 12, 2023

In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, European organizations are grappling with the urgent need to accelerate their digital transformations while also navigating stringent data sovereignty and privacy regulations. These challenges are not just obstacles; they're vital to business agility, operational efficiency, and maintaining a competitive edge. To help organizations overcome these hurdles, Unisys has formed a strategic partnership with the largest European cloud provider, OVHcloud.

This partnership combines Unisys’ extensive global expertise in delivering secure and reliable technology solutions in Europe with OVHcloud’s cutting-edge cloud infrastructure offerings. The result is a dynamic, tailored offering that enables European organizations to speed up their digital transformations while retaining full control over their data. The combined capabilities provide a complete, compliant, and secure solution to boost operational agility without compromising data sovereignty or privacy.

Together, OVHcloud and Unisys will work to fulfill clients’ data sovereignty requirements on a case-by-case basis. This partnership builds on OVHcloud's sovereign cloud protection and security principles to enable accelerated adoption through open-sourced solutions, transparency and reversibility.

Both Unisys and OVHcloud are proud supporters of the Gaia-X initiative—a game-changing European project focused on establishing digital governance, transparency, and interoperability. The alliance reinforces each organization’s commitment to equipping European customers with cloud solutions that are not only cutting-edge but also aligned with Gaia-X principles.

The partnership also bolsters both organizations’ support of the Gaia-X initiative, an ambitious European initiative to develop a framework for digital governance. This initiative seeks to enhance transparency, give users more control and ensure seamless data sharing across various cloud and edge computing technologies. The alliance reinforces each organization’s commitment to equipping European customers with cloud solutions that ensure data sovereignty, privacy and the ethical use of technology.

Together, Unisys and OVHcloud offer a range of advanced services, from modernizing IT landscapes to optimizing performance—all while adhering to the highest standards of data control and compliance. The collaboration will empower businesses to modernize their IT landscapes, optimize performance and streamline operations while maintaining control over their data.

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