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NZ Marketplace - Making Cloud Transformation Easier for Government

Unisys joins New Zealand Marketplace

Unisys now provides Cloud Transition Services based on Unisys CloudForte® to New Zealand government agencies via Marketplace - an online market that makes it easier for agencies to access digital services and for suppliers to deliver them.

Marketplace links suppliers with government, making the procurement process easier for all. The Marketplace simplifies the initial primary procurement process, reducing the barriers for suppliers engaging with government, while making it easier for agencies to access innovation.

Unisys CloudForte services are designed to help government agencies accelerate their cloud adoption, no matter where they are in the cloud journey - from legacy migration to new cloud design and deployment for hybrid and multi-cloud environments.

Cloud transition services

Unisys is an approved vendor for the Marketplace Cloud Transition Services category which covers cloud strategy, architecture, migration planning, transition execution, cloud optimisation, and operational handover of current end user services into a public or hybrid cloud environment.

Using our unique CloudForte® Navigator™, we employ extensive discovery tools to assess current system states and architectural and application integrity. These metrics are used in the planning stages to ensure an architecture that best suits the specific business goals of every client, matched against continually updated industry best practices. By adopting a ‘security first’ mindset before any substantive cloud implementation, we lay the groundwork for a core security foundation that includes continual assessment of current and future security requirements. Unisys provides the client with extensive Roadmaps of proposed designs for consideration and modification before work begins. Clients can clearly see the schedule, stages and options available for transforming their environment, with a team qualified to execute the plan.

We work collaboratively to design a safe and secure transformation for applications and infrastructure. As a leading vendor neutral service provider, Unisys can help clients select the best applications and tools from trusted vendors. Unisys CloudForte® also delivers full application modernisation services. We aid clients in legacy application re-engineering or creating full DevOps environments from the ground up, to align application portfolio to the right business objectives. We then begin shadow deployments in parallel with production systems. Services include capabilities for modernisation of legacy applications through identification of legacy IT assets and prioritisation of their migration to the cloud. After extensive testing of live data, systems are cut over to production and monitored for security, reliability and performance.

Unisys works with clients to proactively assess their cloud systems and processes to deliver periodic advice on how to enable your platform for digital transformation and how you can optimise to meet your objectives. Six cloud critical components— cost, security, performance, reliability, efficiency and operational excellence—are regularly assessed. Incremental remediation and optimisations save money and improve your customer satisfaction.

Global and local government experience

Over 200 government agencies worldwide rely on Unisys solutions. We work with governments to develop hybrid approaches to digital transformation, so agencies can make the optimal use of both existing and new technologies to meet their goals. Through a combination of user-centered processes, robust services, and innovative solutions, Unisys helps governments transform digitally with security built in at every step.

Unisys New Zealand Ltd has been supporting mission critical systems for both public and private sector clients in New Zealand for decades. When delivering our Cloud Transition services, Unisys brings its global experience with the flexibility of dealing with a local New Zealand entity.

Using our understanding of New Zealand government security policies and controls and our real-world experience applying these to build and support mission critical government systems, Unisys helps agencies structure their cloud environment security controls and solutions to address these factors.

Global and local government experience

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"Federal agencies are under pressure to modernise their IT infrastructures and create strategies to promote acceleration of public cloud adoption. With CloudForte, Unisys has created a holistic offering to make it easier for them to move to AWS and maximise the value they obtain."

Adelaide O'Brien

research director, IDC Government Insights

Contact information

Learn more about NZ Marketplace.