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Unisys Recognized as a Leader by ISG in its 2022 ISG Provider Lens™️ Future of Work – Services and Solutions Report

Unisys has been named a Leader in the 2022 ISG Provider Lens™ Future of Work – Services and Solutions Quadrant Reports in the U.S., U.K., Brazil, Germany, Australia and U.S. Public Sector across key market categories.

Modern work environments are no longer associated with physical locations or single digital entities but are now omnipresent and integrated across multiple spaces. The modern outlook toward work and the workplace will drive and change enterprise expectations from service providers and SaaS vendors, with an increasing focus on enabling an all-encompassing unified communications and collaboration ecosystem designed to foster employee engagement and productivity. ISG advisors and enterprise clients use information from the 2022 ISG Provider Lens™ Future of Work study to evaluate managed service providers and vendors.

Download U.S. Report  |  Download U.S. Public Sector Report  |  Download U.K. Report  |  Download Brazil Report (POR)  |  Download Germany Report  |  Download Australia Report